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Advice for people new to life modeling

Stretch! it's important to stretch out before classes and after, I also took up doing yoga to help with keeping fit and so I could expand on my posing. Being Naked A lot of people think that they couldn't do life modeling, when I took the jump to do life modeling I thought na I couldn't do that. Can be a bit nervey for the first time, but a few seconds into it you see a lot of serious faces drawing away and you sorta just fall into the roll What to do while posing a few venues will play music, while other artists prefer to work in silence. most people won't speak to you during poses, as this would waste the drawing for people. I tend to meditate during poses, or think about what I need to do after the class. First contact and building up contacts You can be lucky or it can seem like quite a hard thing to crack into. I worked with a few artist friends to start of with, just to help them get practice My first proper gig was with all the young nudes.  I

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